How It Works

 Invest 1,000 virtual dollars today.  See how your personal political and values-based funds perform over time in relation to the market and your friends and neighbors.  Rebalance your portfolio to maximize your returns if you can. Based on your political index investments, create local and global impact by changing your spending and investment along with millions of others taking the challenge! This represents an important step towards true democracy and establishing a new balance between prosumers and global corporate control.
Types of Market Indexes (graphics with examples forthcoming)
There are three different types of index markets: political indexes based on consumer spending and divestment, project indexes, and "Revestment" indexes. Political Indexes pool local and global prosumer (both individual and institutional) spending and divestment to align with specific prosumer political and social values to create upwards pressure on corporate behavior and to create alternatives. This pressure comes from two major "use cases": consumer/institutional spending and divestment. These indexes currently make up the majority of the indexes. Project Indexes focus on current political trends and seek to influence corporate behavior to impact change on a specific existing or future project: the "Build the Wall" or "Not Build the Wall" indexes will impact corporate behavior on America building a wall to impact immigration policy. Finally, Revestment Indexes build off Project Indexes because for every dollar divested or every dollar not spent, their is a new "Revestment" marker created. This allows new companies to challenge the corporate paradigm and represent prosumer politics and values in the creation or empowerment of global corporate challengers. The Global Prosumer Alliance encourages this "rebalancing" of power and seeks to unite local communities and on-line global communities to affect change.
Initial Index Offerings for your Virtual Investment!
The initial index offerings are designed to kick off the Prosumer Challenge but only represent a small fraction of indexes that will be available in the upcoming months. Remember that the goal of the challenge is to invest your $1000 virtual dollars, change your spending and investment to impact your index, and then locally and globally "move" your index to create political change as well as "infotainment"!
Graphs of Indexes (coming soon) -  ability to click on index and get info on them including corporate make up and listed prosumer actions. Also users can sign up for two emails/day that lets them know impactful actions they take to move the index.
Initial Political Index Offerings
Stump the Trump- This index seeks to boldly cutoff support for the Trump Administration by building a coalition of prosumer behaviors that affect the main corporations providing support: examples include boycott of Exxon/Mobile.......
Global Corporate Top Ten List - The approach of this index is that all world governments, including both democrats and republicans, are beholden to special global corporate interests and this is a first step to countering that balance through the power of the Global Prosumer
U.S. Libertarian anti-government- This index seeks to reduce the impact of government on our daily lives
Progressive Faith-based - With over XX trillion in investment dollars, this index seeks to bring alive the current power base of .....and find common themes to empower the progressive faith based prosumer movement
Conservative Faith-based - With over XX trillion in investment dollars, this index seeks to bring alive the current power based of .....and find common themes to empower the conservative faith based prosumer movement
Green Fund.....this fund seeks to unite the prosumer impact of all the environmental oriented funds and show the united impact of this powerful and very active political base
Project Indexes
Stop the Wall -
Build the Wall -
Dakota Pipeline -
Current crowdsourcing favorites - These funds do not currently have the backing of the leaders who they are named after but we are intending to influence them through this crowdsourcing campaign and get their support!
Leonardo DiCaprio/Spike Lee Global Fossil Fuel Index  Actor Leonardo DiCaprio has thrown his weight behind the global push to break away from using fossil fuels in order to curb global warming, Reuters reports.The Hollywood actor joined a group of 400 institutions and 2,000 people who have sworn to divest from using fossil fuels. Reuters reported that they have assets of $2.6 trillion.
Revestment Indexes
There are currently no Revestment Indexes available