Our Mission
Our mission is to inform and educate consumers and institutions about politically-conscious spending and investing using data-driven digital apps and digital market indexes (almost like stock funds). Key to the mission is the creation of an open platform that pools both consumer and institutional spending and investing, corresponding to political and social values, and creates on-line Global Prosumer Challenge (GPC) indexes to support social networking, "infotainment", and on-line political empowerment regardless of political background.
The Global Prosumer Alliance is a 501(c)3 organization founded in 2017 as a project of Corbus Labs, LLC.
“The Global Prosumer Alliance is to be a uniquely powerful platform for the politically conscious consumer that magnifies the power of their spending and investment ”
- Create a digital platform that tracks performance of politically-based corporate indexes tied to consumer and institutional spending and investment
- Create the Prosumer Challenge which models politically-based consumer and institutional spending and connects them with local and global (on-line) communities for maximum impact (and global infotainment!)
- Drawing upon independent research on spending and investment analysis, new Apps developments, and crowdsourcing, create new highly visible Global Prosumer Challenge (GPC) indexes
- Expand tools to empower consumer and institutional investment and spending to align with political values and scale globally through open and transparent processes
The internet has created a paradigm change whereas consumers can now access information easier, overcome geographic barriers that once prevented communication and the formation of networks, and create the critical mass of customers that can exert power via the internet. This has been demonstrated and validated with consumer pricing (examples include shopbots such as shopping.com and virtual advisors like MyProductAdvisor.com), although it took longer than many predicted. So what’s next? One logical extension of this is to pool consumer and institutional purchasing power, and investment potential, and to align these with political values: The internet revolution is going to bring back true democracy for everyone, regardless of political preference, because even though your vote counts for very little, how you spend your money counts a whole lot more! So you can empower political change, with a global alliance, no matter what your political preference. In fact, you can have fun playing the Global Prosumer Challenge (GPC) to warm us all up to this grand idea while simultaneously helping accelerate the adoption of this new internet benefit.